Parish Ministries
Parishioners interested in any of the following ministries in the parish are invited to contact Fr.Kaz, our parish priest or the parish secretary. Brief background and information regarding each of the ministries is provided below.
To perform a liturgical ministry within the Eucharistic celebration is a call to participate in a special way in this marvellous mystery: the dying of Jesus, his rising and coming again. Those to whom the Church entrusts this sacred ministry are called to a most “important office of immense love”. [Pope Paul VI, “Immensae Caritatas”, 25 January 1973.]
The above document outlines the following criteria for the selection of Acolytes and Ministers of Holy Communion:
“The person …should distinguish himself/herself by Christian life, faith and morals: striving to be worthy of this great office, cultivating devotion to the Holy Eucharist and acting as an example to the other faithful by piety and reverence for this most Holy Sacrament of the altar. Let no one be chosen whose selection may cause scandal among the faithful”
Candidates must be baptized practicing Catholics.
Acolytes are required to be at least 21 years of age and in the Archdiocese of Perth and are required to serve under the terms of a five year (renewable) Faculty of Service from the Archbishop.
The Liturgy Office runs annual workshops on areas related to the Acolyte ministry.
Because circumstances vary from parish to parish, the practical training of Acolytes is given largely at the parish level. This is the case in our parish of Floreat Wembley.