Faith Enrichment  

The Centre for Faith Enrichment (formally the Maranatha Centre) is the official adult faith formation agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. The Centre for Faith Enrichment offers short daytime, evening and weekend courses on a wide range of topics at various locations throughout Perth and online. Our courses are presented in a relaxed and friendly environment – with no exams or assignments – and are open to all who are seeking to explore questions of life, faith and meaning. The Centre for Faith Enrichment also awards scholarships for biblical studies through the B.J. Hickey Biblical Foundation.

A wide range of courses cover such areas as Faith, Church, Scripture, Spirituality, Theology, Liturgy, Pastoral Care and Christian Living.

The programmes are of particular value to individuals who are, or wish to become more effectively, involved in the life of their parish, particularly those in formal parish ministry such as Pastoral Associates or Assistants, parish workers and volunteers.

The Centre maintains a very comprehensive website  [ ] which provides, together with other information, full details of all courses/units and timetables. 

Location & Contact Details

The Centre is located at the Newman Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview.  [Located within the former secondary college building]
Telephone 9241 5221, Fax 9241 5225  

The Director is Dr Marco Ceccarelli           Phone 9241 5225.

Office Manager is Tracey Stevens:            Phone 9241 5222