St. Cecilia's Church - Golden Jubilee [2012]
During the course of the year, the parish held a number of events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Church. The Church was originally blessed in 1962.
Commemorative prayer cards, pens and rulers were freely available to all parishioners. Commemorative tea/coffee mugs were for sale.
"Welcome Sausage Sizzle"
A sub-committee of the Parish Council was established and planned a number of events to be held through the year. The first event was a "Welcome Sausage Sizzle" held after the masses on 26th/27th February. The event was very successful with large numbers of parishioners attending both the 6.00 p.m. and 9.30 a.m. masses.
50th Anniversary Mass - Sunday 29th April
Bishop Don Sproxton concelebrated with Fr. Wayne Davis and Fr. Vincent Glynn the 9.30 a.m. mass. The mass featured a combined parish choir, classical harpist and a children's liturgical dance. In the courtyard at the conclusion of mass, the 50th Anniversary sculpture was un-veiled and blessed by Bishop Sproxton. From 11.00 a.m., devonshire teas & sausage sizzle were available as well as children's activities - face painting, bouncy castle and balloon man.
A very large crowd attended the mass including past parishioners and a number of specially invited guests.
50th Anniversary Sculpture
To mark the 50th Anniversary of St Cecilia's Church, Peter Graham, a well know local sculptor was commissioned to design and make a sculpture. The design is in the form of a harp with a palm branch signifying St. Cecilia as patron of music and a martyr of the church.
50th Anniversary Conclusion
The feast of St. Cecilia occurred on Friday, 22nd November. The 9.30 a.m. mass on Sunday, 4th was a special mass to conclude the year of celebrations. The mass was celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costello and Fr. Wayne Davis. A very large crowd attended the mass. At the conclusion of mass, morning tea was provided in the Parish Centre enabling many parishioners to meet Archbishop Costello.