Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Council, as it is more commonly referred to, operates broadly in line with the Constitution for Parish Pastoral Councils as drawn up by the Archdiocese of Perth.
Meeetings usually take place on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm at the Parish Centre meeting room.
Parish Finance Committee
Meetings are held by the committee monthly and at intervening times, on a needs basis. The meetings are held in the Parish Centre meeting room, usually on the third Wednesday evening at 7.30p.m.
An Altar Society is called to serve the parish in providing an environment for worship that will assist with contemplation of the presence of God. The goal is to care for all the elements of worship, insuring that the total environment is clean, appropriate, beautiful and accessible.
At both St. Cecilia's and Our Lady of Victories Churches, women give of their time and energy to assist with keeping the altar and sanctuary areas clean and at appropriate times of the year decorated with floral arrangements. The flowers are mostly purchased from a commercial florist. In addition, the linen used at masses and other ceremonies is washed, ironed and maintained.
The volunteers apply their talents and time and work in teams of 3 per week at each church.
It is hoped the number of volunteers will continue to expand, not only through the women of the parish but men would be welcome and young people.
If you would like to join the Altar Society, please contact the Parish Secretary on 9387 1158.
Social Committee
The Social Committee is responsible for the co-ordination of social activities for the Parish community.
The Committee aims are as follows:
To welcome new parishioners into our Parish,
To bring together parishioners and encourage fellowship, and
To encourage new membership to the Committee ensuring its longevity