Baptism is celebrated at St. Cecilia's Church on nearly any Saturday morning at 10.30am Any other days and times are possible but negotiated by the parents of the child with Fr. Kaz.
Please phone the parish office or send your email and make an appointment to meet with Fr. Kaz.
It is normal that an offering/donation be given to the priest after the ceremony.
Godparents represent the wider spiritual family of the child. As such, they are an ever present sign of the Church's care for your child and its development in his or her spiritual and religious development. The primary role of a godparent is to help the child develop a living faith and to preserve in living this faith as he or she grows and develops.
Godparents should be constantly involved in the life of your child and in particular, when your child celebrates the other sacraments of Initiation: Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.
Godparents also help the parents so that your child will come to profess and live the Christian faith within the Catholic tradition.
In order to do this, at least one of the godparents must be a practising Catholic adult who has been confirmed and who witness to the Catholic faith in word and action in their daily lives.
Baptised Christians of other faith traditions can be Christian witnesses at the Baptism Ceremony.
The Symbols of Baptism
At Baptism, the priest will use the symbols of Water, Oil, Clothing and Candle to express your child's membership in the Body of Christ.
Water is essential for life. Without it things die. It is necessary for growth and development. The water of Baptism is a symbol of God's own life poured out for us in Christ so that we may remain alive in God.
We use the Oil called Chrism (from the Greek word for Christ) to anoint your child. This oil is consecrated by the Archbishop each year and is sent out to the parish Churches to be used for Baptism. Oil soothes and heals, nourishes and protects, penetrates and becomes part of us. It is a wonderful symbol of Christ who will be a source of healing, nourishment and protection for your child. Like the Oil, the spirit of Christ penetrates and becomes part of us.
The white baptism clothing in which your child is clothed during the ceremony is a symbol that your child is now clothed in Christ. It is the face of Christ that he or she is now to present to the world - a face which speaks of love and compassion, peace and grace.
Your child's candle is lit from the Easter Candle in the Church. The flame is a symbol of the flame of faith which will burn through your child's life. The candle is entrusted to you and the Godparents. Its flame (the faith of your child) is to be nourished and kept burning until your child is old enough to keep the flame burning itself.
To view and/or download the Enrolment Form for your child to be baptised at St. Cecilia's, please click here.
To view and/or download the Information brochure, please click here.