Welcome from Fr. Kaz Stuglik 

On behalf of everyone in the Catholic Community of Floreat-Wembley, welcome! Our community is a family made up of many families, old and young, single, married, divorced and widowed.

Together we make up the parish family of Floreat-Wembley. We worship in two churches, Saint Cecilia's in Floreat and Our Lady of Victories in Wembley.

There is much that happens in our parish community and I invite you to become a part of it all. Many groups and committees are actively involved in the life of the parish in many ways. They also reach outwards into the wider community. In many and varied ways they touch the lives of many people. We are not alone in this mission, God is with us and blesses the work we do each day.

Throughout our website you will discover who we are and what we are doing in living out the mission of Christ in the world.

Please introduce yourself to me [Fr. Kaz Stuglik]. I would very much like to meet you and introduce you to some other parishioners with a view to seeing what we can do to help you settle into the parish and the wider community.

We maintain a confidential database of our parishioners in our Family Census records. I invite you to click here to download our Parish Census form. Please complete it and either post it to our parish office or simply bring it along to church or to our parish office.

Fr. Kaz Stuglik
Parish Priest